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Research Journal 285 entry ten – Ballard,March and Sand (2009)


This paper is the summation of an Action Research and Evidence Based Practice library project in one New Hampshire school district. Surveys on information literacy were given to high school students and high school teachers in the first study. In the second study, fifth grade students completed a survey that was similar to the one the high school students took but the vocabulary and questions were tailored to the younger reading audience.
Students in the first study struggled with two main issues associated with information literacy: accurate bibliographies and how much collaboration was acceptable on projects. Some students admitted to cheating but many admitted to confusion over when and how to credit sources.

Most students reported that they knew ‚some‛ or a ‚fair amount‛ about the school’s policies on the ethical use of information (64%). However, 28% knew ‚little‛ or ‚nothing,‛ and only 8% felt they knew ‚a lot‛. Most students said they received the information from their teacher (82%), but only 49% said they received the information in the class syllabus.

From the survey results 31% of students thought consulting a librarian was a form of cheating.

Ballard, S. D., March, G., & Sand, J. K. (2009). Creation of a Research Community in a K-12 School System Using Action Research and Evidence Based Practice. Evidence Based Library & Information Practice, 4(2), 8-36.

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